Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Pretty Strange

Marvel's new movie, Doctor Strange, has been an ultimate success. Just coming out in the beginning of November, it is already nearing $400 million in the box office. The movie is appreciated for its great actors, special effects, and story of course, but one thing seemed to aggravate fans. One of the characters from the original comics was an old asian made known as The Ancient One; he was Strange's teacher. In the movie though, they cast him as a white woman. The creators of the show backed up this division by saying they wanted to move away from the stereotype of an old asian man always being the wise teacher; they said they wanted some diversity especially since there weren't many strong female roles in the movie. Some people still don't find this a good enough excuse saying that it is asian culture that a someone who is a teacher is supposed to be old and wise since it is a role of high respect.

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